So what're we playing on Inoch? I already rolled up on the Beastiality + Anime Waifu team instead of the even more retarded Jon Snow + Jon Snow's little titty boys faction. Add me up and let's gank some nubs. Raynae
Kinda Sircari, it's still pretty packed. Not too bad on the beasty side though. Yeah, I was waiting 10 mins to get in and a buddy of mine waited almost 40 mins. The servers are still bullshit cause Trion doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.
We have 4 when i get to 5, just need another. Im really waiting for the queues to die down before we really invest any time. Its hard to get people on board when they have to wait several hours just to play
RIFT had pretty bad queue problems at launch too, but they moved a lot quicker since anyone who was playing was a subscriber. Makes you wonder.
Well lets try and hammer out this guild this week. Ill get on tomorrow and level a little and maybe tomorrow evening we can get together long enough to get it going.