Unified List of "Things" project

Discussion in 'General Bullshit' started by Prude, Oct 15, 2013.

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  1. Prude

    Prude The Goodest Goy In The Land
    Staff Member

    Sep 15, 2013
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    Guys, we have "things". We have a lot of "things". It's gotten to the point where in addition to our sprawling history that takes hours upon hours to explore in full (which in due time we should convert from oral history to written in order to maintain fidelity of records), we have many levels of "thing" catacombs descending beneath us, many forgotten and lost already. There are tunnels we can't even remember existing, but through approximation and deduction, we know MUST exist in some capacity. With this in mind, just as we should preserve the factual history of the guild and the "group", we should work to preserve the cultural and memetic phenomena that have shaped the nature of the group along the way.

    Anyone can contribute to this thread, though in matters of controversy over a thing's "thingship", the executive decision comes down to a council consisting solely of Daniel and I (even if we choose to involve others in the decision), seeing as we're the only ones who have consistently experienced it all. Ideally, give me the "thing" as it is (for example, what's said, or a brief description of an act or gesture or noise, or a symbolic term, or whatever), the approximate point in time when it became a "thing" if at all possible, and a brief explanation if applicable (anything not self explanatory, especially if it's antiquated or rarely used in the modern day).

    I'm tired and sick atm, but to start the list with a few examples still heavily used, formatting (quotation marks indicate verbatim form stemming from it's most common usage, primarily for stand alone phrases that work independent of any further dialogue by the speaker within that moment.) still to be discussed, I'll come back and edit shit later:

    "Got 'Em" - Emerged at some point in 2013 to my knowledge.

    "Roll Tide" (Citation Needed) - The Crimson Tide is timeless, but it's seen gradually increasing usage within the group (mainly by Daniel) since at some point in 2012.

    "Check Your Privilege" - Memetic usage began in 2013, with the increasing visibility and awareness of tumblr social justice fags and steadily rising levels of (a) appropriation and (b) patriarchy within the guild.

    Big Bird, Cookie Monster - 2012. Often used as a euphemistic way to say something is about to be explained as if you (or the audience) were a child. Example usage: "Let me break this down big bird, cookie monster style".

    Trevor Exasperatedly Swearing Under His Breath - Unknown exact origin, but in or before 2008. Since appropriated by the group members surviving him after his faux-suicide in 2012.

    The Twixy Tapes
    A girl of questionably age pleasured herself in our Ventrilo while reading a erotic fanfic to the audience of 30 randos from Trade chat cranking down and the COMMIES dying of laughter.

    "Whats up tho"

    One day we were having a big group debate in Mumble. Devin and I being the jerks we are kept casually talking about IQ's. Nuggs ever being the wordsmith meant to inquire us "I understand the numerical explanation of your intellegence, but prior to what have either of you accomplished with your vast intellect" but somehow it just came out as "yeah, but whats up tho".

    We laughed for a solid 30 minutes.

    Quasi-Meta-Hardcore-Progression (Thing)
    Around the end of Wildstar, we used this as a mock or insult at guilds that called themselves hardcore casual progression. Could be used like HARDCORE PROGRESSION MINECRAFT or quasi-meta-casual-post-hardcore sleeping.

    Devin mispronouncing things
    Hes doing it on purpose, I swear to God.

    Baby Back Bitch
    We are really trying hard to coin this one. I Googled it and its actually from the Longest Yard but I think I saw it from Imgur and thats where I picked it up

    Little Titty Boy
    My dad used to say this. No idea where it's from but its funny as shit

    Trap House/Spot
    Drug/Street slang originally, but we use it in Rust when talking about a place to drop all your shit. Usually hidden.

    Literally Spanish for "nail" but Zack Parsons Conex Convicts Connections series uses it to mean scary or spooky. Used to described weird Lovecraftian shit or when something hella spook happens.

    Report Sent Directly to Blizzard HQ. Enjoy Your Ban.
    Trevor came up with this one day while Trade trolling when someone makes a vaguely insulting or rude statement. Always makes them crazy.

    Originated from the original Rust server we played on where we teamed up with two randos who had thick Southern accents that moved into a shitty shack next to our base. You can replace neighbor with another word to fit any situation, just make sure you say it in a thick southern accent.

    We Aren't Addressing That Right Now
    I'd explain it, but we aren't addressing that right now

    Sound the spooky skelingtons make

    Would You Beat?
    You cant explain would you beat, its a way of life

    Rampin' Shit
    You take a bike mount (can be any game) and you ramp off things. You've just ramped shit. Invented by Trevor (RIP in peace) and Smolder back in the day in Nagrand.

    Ok my NyQuil is kickin' in now, this'll be developed further tomorrow. Any obvious entries post here, do as much as the heavy lifting in terms of formatting (doesn't have to be perfect, just logical and not typed like a retard) and adequately conveying the "thing" as you can if you want to be a not-asshole.
  2. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Got 'Em emerged back around April or so after I came back from my break to Friend Zone. It comes friend a moment in an episode of Workaholics when one of the main characters is struggling to make an insult and finally croaks something out, the other main character quietly under his breath goes "got em". Ill try and find a clip later, it's a lot funnier than Im making it sound.
  3. Kuru

    Kuru COMRADE

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Tunasub red backward is Bus a Nut. Do not have a timeframe.
  4. Dlight

    Dlight COMRADE

    Sep 6, 2013
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    Emerged during a mission of ours by nuggs. About a month ago id say
  5. Dlight

    Dlight COMRADE

    Sep 6, 2013
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    "You know nothing jon snow" - Idk when it started but its hilarious when used at the right time. Btw if you dont say it correctly you no longer have the privilege to use it. We started using it a lot to my knowledge a couple months back idk im drunk.
  6. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Are we counting things in popular culture like that as our things though? I mean we reference stuff like that quite frequently but its not really our "Thing"
  7. Prude

    Prude The Goodest Goy In The Land
    Staff Member

    Sep 15, 2013
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    man this never went anywhere and lets be real in context of the current state of affairs seems kind of dumb

    i think being subversive rather than memetic is our wheelhouse
  8. Dianic


    Jun 7, 2014
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    I'm still new; quite difficult for me to comment on historical usage, but I've heard much of "The List" being tossed around.

    If it's nothing... I apologize and I'll shut up.
  9. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    The List is kind of becoming a thing, yeah
  10. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Came up with some historical based "Things" in the shower earlier.


    Arckhunter was a hunter from a guild called Vox Radix (Jorgans guild prior to Fart Zone). He was a major tool and elitists. Anyways, morgan linked us his pic from the super secret Vox IRL picture thread:

    I dont have to even explain why thats embarrasing. He hated that we had his pic mainly because we put it in everything (boss kill shots, logos, tshirts) and would always come cry in our Mumble about how we didnt respect him and how we were using his picture without his permission (Example 1, Example 2, Example 3)

    Anyways, we reached a ceasefire at some point, but he after a few months started being a cunt again, so I registered arckhunter.com and made videos impersonating him and selling tshirts with his face on them

    The Twixy Tapes
    A girl of questionably age pleasured herself in our Ventrilo while reading a erotic fanfic to the audience of 30 randos from Trade chat cranking down and the COMMIES dying of laughter.
  11. Solgnir

    Solgnir Babby

    Jun 19, 2014
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    did we have a Thing that came out of Wildstar aside from possibly META-QUASI-HARDCORE PROGRESSION (x)?
  12. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Yeah, or simplified as HARDCORE PROGRESSION (Dull event ie Minecraft, Sleeping, eating)
  13. Solgnir

    Solgnir Babby

    Jun 19, 2014
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  14. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Thought of another one during the Rust MEGATHREAD:

    "Whats up tho"

    One day we were having a big group debate in Mumble. Devin and I being the jerks we are kept casually talking about IQ's. Nuggs ever being the wordsmith meant to inquire us "I understand the numerical explanation of your intellegence, but prior to what have either of you accomplished with your vast intellect" but somehow it just came out as "yeah, but whats up tho".

    We laughed for a solid 30 minutes.

    Devin mispronouncing things
    Hes doing it on purpose, I swear to God.
  15. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    God, how did we forget this classic:

    Report Sent Directly to Blizzard HQ. Enjoy Your Ban.
    Trevor came up with this one day while Trade trolling when someone makes a vaguely insulting or rude statement. Always makes them crazy.
  16. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Got a few more:

    Baby Back Bitch
    We are really trying hard to coin this one. I Googled it and its actually from the Longest Yard but I think I saw it from Imgur and thats where I picked it up

    Little Titty Boy
    My dad used to say this. No idea where it's from but its funny as shit

    Trap House/Spot
    Drug/Street slang originally, but we use it in Rust when talking about a place to drop all your shit. Usually hidden.

    Surprised this wasn't already on the list:
    Literally Spanish for "nail" but Zack Parsons Conex Convicts Connections series uses it to mean scary or spooky. Used to described weird Lovecraftian shit or when something hella spook happens.
  17. Succ

    Succ Babby

    Jul 2, 2014
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    10/10 can confirm chris is a Little Titty Boy
  18. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    New batch of "things":

    Originated from the original Rust server we played on where we teamed up with two randos who had thick Southern accents that moved into a shitty shack next to our base. You can replace neighbor with another word to fit any situation, just make sure you say it in a thick southern accent.

    We Aren't Addressing That Right Now
    I'd explain it, but we aren't addressing that right now

    Sound the spooky skelingtons make

    And some classics:
    Would You Beat?
    You cant explain would you beat, its a way of life

    Rampin' Shit
    You take a bike mount (can be any game) and you ramp off things. You've just ramped shit. Invented by Trevor (RIP in peace) and Smolder back in the day in Nagrand.
  19. Dianic


    Jun 7, 2014
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    This aint a "thing" yet, but it will be:

  20. Pigeon

    Pigeon Director of Marketing

    Oct 10, 2013
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    Ayyyyyyyyy: When you see your fellow nigga and you want to greet him.

    #FUBT: I mean...it's pretty fucked up. But it's true.

    What do you ride for? What city do you die for?: Neither should be anywhere in California.

    Do you have khyaaaat?: Phrase/tactic created to confuse our Czechoslovakian visitors in the mumble, aswell as our american ones.