A few people might be aware that I've discussed the possibility of a COMMIE-sponsored modded Minecraft server with the glorious PREMIER, and I've decided to begin the preliminaries of putting this bad boy together. As I currently run a server based on the modpack Test Pack Please Ignore, I've got the infrastructure in place, and it would just be a matter of re-branding and re-launching. I do plan to keep the server on a whitelist basis solely to keep destructive forces out -- pretty much anyone will be permitted to join so long as they do not have existing server bans for griefing, etc. (and, yes, there are ways for me to check.) -- in keeping with our WildStar guild, COMMIECRAFT would simply serve as an extension of ourselves -- mess around, have a good time, and do some cool stuff together. If there are any strong opinions one way or the other in regards to modpacks and the like, I'm more than willing to consider them, but this is not gonna be some super try-hard shit with insanely hard progression, etc...that just wouldn't be the COMMUNISM style. Let me know what y'all think here and we'll see about a late July/early August launch date, most likely.
I love the idea, you mentioned in IRC today something about the MadPack which I looked into and enjoyed. As long as its a good deep modpack that has a lot of offer, I'm fine. Minecraft is fun, but Vanilla minecraft gets stale even on multiplayer, so I cant wait to build some nuclear powered factories with COMMIES.
Just to throw a few ideas out there as far as modpacks that have been discussed/considered thus far: The Mad Pack (ATLauncher) -- current front-runner. pretty interesting hybrid of magic/tech/adventure...with some Fable-like elements as far as interaction with NPCs and other players. Includes the ability to go to SPACE, which is always interesting. Attack of the B-Team (Technic Launcher) -- made popular by GenerikB and BdoubleO100. Mostly tech-focused with just a couple of "magic" mods per se. More of a "mad scientist" pack than anything else. Again, the opportunity to go to space is present. [STRIKE]Test Pack Please Ignore (FTB Launcher) -- Try to ignore the fact that it's the official Reddit FTB pack. It's a mix of a whole bunch of things including the infamous GregTech (with the Bronze Age optional) with some mod re-balancing to increase the difficulty (but also the rewards). Downside? No Galacticraft/outer space.[/STRIKE] THE COMMISSAR HAS VETOED THIS PACK YogsCast Complete / Resonant Rise: Mainline (ATLauncher) -- YogsCast Complete is the new pack created for the YogsCast, and it's essentially a fork from the Resonant Rise pack. PROS = I have run this modpack on a server before, it is constantly kept updated, and has a huge array of all sorts of mods. CONS = VERY memory intensive, requiring a bare minimum of 4GB on 64GB Java to run properly. YOGS also uses the Hardcore Questing Mod, first made popular by the Agrarian Skies modded skyblock map.
B-Team is good but it's a little silly and I wont associate myself with anything that's "Official Reddit"
so I think we've gotta conclude Yogs is the new front-runner unless anyone comes up with a better idea.