Funny story about Daniels stupidity

Discussion in 'General Bullshit' started by Taylor, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. Taylor

    Taylor #1 Shuten Fan
    Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    So once upon a time I ran a little side business making guild websites for people, well one website in particular I made was for this super small guild that they never used, but they payed so whatever, right? Well they didnt use it and I never put any maintenance into it, which includes activating ReCaptcha and other security measures for their forums.

    Well several months ago they stopped paying, but I forgot to cut the website off.

    Today while posting some pics to the food thread, I got a "Out of Resources" error from the server. So naturally I went and check the logs on my control panel for the hosting, this is what I see:


    Notice, in a month it used 34 GIGS of bandwidth. For reference to how mindblowing that is, compare it to, a website that pulls about 50k visitors a month, only has around 11gigs of bandwidth.

    So I went to the website in question to check what the fuck was going on: There were 300 users online, with a total of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND THREADS. All spammers of course.

    Bonus: The SQL table was 5gigs!
  2. Pigeon

    Pigeon Director of Marketing

    Oct 10, 2013
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    Well i mean, its not like its rare.