It got deleted, but I remember it being something about how XTunaki should just delete his character if he was too ignorant to understand the instability of 74 "hardcore" raiding guilds... mathematically improbable... yada yada... I checked my email when I was going to bed and found that warning because I was attacking another forum poster. I'll lighten up on the attacks... much bigger fish to fry. New group added to the list = Capitalism; Exiles just threw down the gauntlet.
Lol yeah I saw that thread and immediately posted. I know they aren't directly trying to compete with us, but I think if we keep on it will make it look like they are.
:emot-fry: Ideological factions throwing down in the metaphysical realm! Shit's about to get real! Seriously though, a small rivalry never hurt anybody.
I like rivalries, I thought we had one brewing with treemonster or whatever that weeaboo guys name is, but hes just a poser try hard.
Lol I made a discussion thread and it got moved to the Off Topic form, Pergo is literally by rule a circlejerk forum.
I saw that and I was going to comment... what a bunch of fucking blowhards. Are we not allowed to have conversations with our server-mates? WTF!>!?!?!?!>!#@<!@<#!>#<!#!?>#!
Idk lol, I messaged a mod but Im not holding my breath for a response. Apparently we can only post the word "bump" every hour or so