Short story thread

Discussion in 'General Bullshit' started by theonetheonlynuggs, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. theonetheonlynuggs

    theonetheonlynuggs RIP In Peace - Died of Hemp

    Sep 4, 2013
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    I walked down the street, as the buildings turned into BAGS OF MILK. THATS RIGHT FUCKIN BAGS THO, A large robot arose in the distance and lifted one of the milk BAGS pouring the white cream into his mouth(no homo). This looked rather amazing to me, however I am sure the residents of the milk bag were most unimpressed.

    I heard a thunderous clash of metal, as the robot lifted his arm to wipe the milk dripping from his chin. I wondered why he'd picked the milk however, as a 5 story tall can of oil was clearly within reaching distance. A man dripped from his chin and landed on the ground, I asked him, Why did the robot drink this, when oil was clearly the logical choice?? He gave me a confused glance and ran back into his bag of milk.

    Recomposing myself from this most frightful event, I rolled my kushlike body slyly past the robot Good thing robots have no sense of smell for I fear him rolling me up in a giant backwood as that was a most unfortunate experience the last time it happened.

    In the distance, at the edge of a shimmering stream I see hordes of multi-colored lizards speeding, hissing and yelping as they try and avoid colliding into one another. One would hiss loudly, and flick his tongue at the others as it darted in front. I moved towards the edge of the stream and watched this race of lizards flow past me. As they ran past me, water splashed and danced into the air. Good thing lizards dont burn.

    Across the stream, a white man was beckoning me, curious to hear what wisdom this fellow had to impart upon me, I cautiously dipped my toe into the stream in front of me. Thankfully, the water was shallow, as I walked in front of the huffing lizards, their eyes glowing yellow at me as I darted their glance.

    As I crept across the river, everything became rather foggy with a skunky air too it, and as I walked closer to the old man I realized IT WAS THAT NIGGA ROBB. Now that nigga robb aint no motherfuckin' joke. I mean if you were to stare at that nigga robbs window it would look like a dragon breathin' out fire or some shit cos his chimney coughin lungs dont fuckin stop with that shit. He smoked my cuzzin Kuru Kush last week .

    So anyways, once that nigga robb noticed that i knew he been smokin all my niggas he decided enough with the bullshit and activated his ziplocs kush traps. Now these traps aint not fuckin joke, I mean 40 foot ziplocs rose from the shore of the river behind me, rose like a tsunami and then caught my sorry ass.

    Luckly for me, Im that top of the line medicinal rapper rockstar fuckin kush i mean no ziploc can hold me, try to put me in a ziploc any muhfugga would know i was still there, I mean robb would get arrested for my ass in a heartbeat the way i stunk. Nigga I am the loud pack. That being said that weak ziploc shit couldnt hold me, my kush fumes ripped right thru that bitch

    Robb is one persistent bitch tho, as soon as the ziploc landed on me he was already winding up his tuna can sealer, awhh hell no, this nigga gon seal me now

    Alone and confused, I see a yellow submarine slowly move down the stream, I wave out my kush stem hands in distress to see if they could save me, and take me home, away from these stoney bolognas . The submarine parked up next to the stream bank, and a large octopus beckoned me in. It could tell by my startled look, that I had barely escaped the robb and the robots earlier in the evening. I gave him my numerals, and away we went towards what I knew was home.