Separate names with a comma.
COPY PASTE THIS AND MAKE IT INTO A NEW POST Username: Email: What game you are applying for: In-game name: What is your rotation? If you...
It was EVEN BETTER :emot-quagmire:
Sound strategy, I like it
lmbo, we were wondering what happened to you. We went ahead and started a match and it was a comedy of errors that ended up most he time with me...
Also, at 45 minutes in the first video is the most annoying sound in the world that got me kicked from the server
Part 2:
Chris, Stuber, and I had some good times in Insurgency last night, heres the VODS. Ill try and find the exact parts where shit was hella funny....
So is this like a PvP game or what e; we played like 2 minutes last night before Phadraus had to bounce, RIP Phad
I know several of us have this game, but I haven't given it a try yet. It sounds fun, I think Ill make sure its updated tonight and give it a try.
This sounds super interesting, especially the ability to play from iOS e; its shit like this that super makes me want to go back to work, but ehhhhhh
I wonder how many of those WoW hours were just AFK in Shattrath or Trade chat trolling in Org. Good moneys on about 40%
Did anyone end up getting this? Or was it just people who already had it that played it?
I learned that when I was getting gang raped in a canyon on Tatooine at level 30
Destiny is just a matter of it coming out, SWTOR though, EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Plus, Sicaris already got his own circlejerk thing going on there