Pretty enjoyable beta considering I'm not a big FPS guy. And being able to make CLAN COMMUNISM certainly an added bonus.
Yeah, their forums... it's like a giant comment board. Level 8 Titan, here. My tryhard friend is already 21. Seriously, WTF is wrong with people?! There is a sun outside that provides natural nutrients for longevity and health. Go enjoy that motherfucker from time to time.
AND WHAT ABOUT MOVING THIS FUCKER TO THE MAIN PAGE!? Destiny is a strong, confident bitch. She aint no red-headed step child sub-forum.
I'm trying to keep front page clutter to a minimum (ei removing the Info and Applicatons and merging it all in News and when I merged the whole COMMIECAST section into one forum last month) If this section gets HELLA bumpin then I'll def move it, if it gets HELLA HELLA bumpin I can even do what I did to the Minecraft section and do a redirection like (Example: links directly to the Minecraft section, only works for that one section ATM) e; also, I'm on the fence about buying Destiny honestly. I'd rather wait until next year when I buy a PS4, but I really want to play with yall. Decisions, decisions.
You will not regret your purchase. Buy Destiny. Do It NOW! I'll refund your money if you don't like it.* *No guarantees Dianic will actually refund $
What in the fuck. So I did a level 3 mission tonight and did some exploring. I went underground and 3 level ??? dudes one shotted me.
exploring on level-appropriate missions tends to get you killed. there are/were some areas in the game that had retardedly hard mobs to keep you from entering the area until the time was right, e.g. the Praetorians at the Vault of Glass before it came out